
I’m Katie, Mama to Isaac, born January 2013 in China with Trisomy 21.  He recovered from open-heart surgery at 6 weeks old (IAA, VSD, PDA …) and we are moving toward wellness through bio-medical approaches and brain therapies.  I have a Terrific God, a terrific husband, and Isaac has ten terrific older brothers and sisters to love him!  I hope to encourage others to choose life, and to rejoice in the child God has given them, no matter what the challenges.


2 thoughts on “About

  1. Katie,

    You are an inspiration to me. You always have been. I have not checked in in a while and have been reading your posts and enjoying it all. Where are you now? And what is Jay doing now? We are in Ohio and have been here 3 years. We really enjoy it but I miss the warmer weather, especially right now. We are adopting 2 boys through the foster care system. They are beautiful and adored by all. Going from 7 to 9 overnight was harder than I thought but we are getting used to it. You have been doing it forever! I will look forward to future updates. Know that you all are in our prayers. God bless.

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